Irrigation Association

I'll be speaking:

Irrigation Association
San Antonio, Texas

December 3, 2009
7:30 am to 9:00 am

60 Technology Tips in 60 Minutes


These days, a portion of anyone's job description requires each of us to be a competent technology user. In this fast-paced session jam-packed you will learn the latest and greatest in technology tips including software and hardware, gadgets, utilities and the Web. Come to this session if you want to learn dozens of ways technology can help you provide better client service and get things done better, faster, and cheaper.


Among the topics to be included:

             Getting the best travel deal

             Organizing your email

             Organizing your files and folders

             Portable scanners, printers, etc.

             Meetings, conference calls, on-line collaboration

             Email blasting

             Making your computer run faster

             Carry your applications on a flash drive

             Business use of digital cameras

             Audio recording, podcasting


             "Handwritten" notes